Interview Support Hub
Welcome to this Interview Support Hub for young people taking part in an interview with Verian on behalf of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

Verian are talking to young people across the UK to hear their experiences of the pandemic and how it might have affected them.
It’s really important that your voice is heard and your experiences are taken into account, but we understand that thinking and talking about this could be upsetting. We are here if you – or your parent or guardian - want to talk to someone to support you to take part in the research and use the resources we have put together for you.
You can book in a call with us before your interview if that would help you to feel more comfortable to take part. The purpose of this call would be to think about how you might feel in the interview and if there are any particular topics that might be difficult. One of our emotional support specialists will help to make a plan with you and if there's anything that you'd like the interviewer to know, they can pass this on.
You can also book in to speak to us following your interview if you feel you’d like some support afterwards.

The Exchange is working in partnership with Verian and the UK Covid-19 inquiry. We are here for children, young people and families who are taking part in research interviews.
Call for Free Support
Call us on 08081 759 179 or if you prefer, book a time that suits you and we will call you.

Who is Verian?
Verian are an independent research company that have been asked to carry out research on behalf of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. If you would like to find out more about Verian, you can visit their website at www.veriangroup.com
There are some things that I don’t remember about the time of Covid, does that matter?
Don’t worry if you can’t remember everything about the time of Covid. However please do bring along to the interview an object or image that you associate with the pandemic to help jog your memory.
Will I be able to come back here to get help after the interview, if there are things I want to discuss?
If thinking and talking about your experiences of the pandemic in your interview has made you feel upset or worried in any way, we are here to support you. Please book in a call with one of our team if you want to talk things through.
Who is The Exchange?
The Exchange are a counselling service that provide support to children, young people and families. We work in schools across the UK and are here to give you additional support should you need it.
I am a bit anxious/worried about the interview, what will happen if I don’t want to discuss some things?
The interviewer will be guided by you and if there is a question you don’t want to answer or anything you don’t want to talk about that is absolutely fine, just let them know.
Can I change my mind and not take part?
If you change your mind about taking part, please let the person who arranged the interview with you know (you’ll have a confirmation email from them). You don’t need to tell them why. If you do take part in an interview, you can take a break or stop at any time.
Will people know what I have said?
What you share with in the interview will be kept anonymous – nothing you say will be linked to your name, unless you share anything that suggests that you or someone else is at risk of harm (in this case the interviewer will tell the appropriate authorities who can help).
What will the interview be like?
One of the interviewers from the Verian team will spend an hour with you to hear about your experiences of the pandemic and how this has affected you.
They will ask you to think back to the start of the pandemic and lockdown and to tell them how things changed for you and what this was like for you.
This might include talking about your family, life at home, school, your friends, your physical and mental health and anything else important to you.
Above all they are interested in hearing about what matters to you. There are no right or wrong answers, and nobody will judge what you have to say.

Pack 1: Young People - Building My Mental Fitness

Pack 2: Young People - Keeping My Mentals Healthy

Pack 3: Young People - Dealing with Difficult Feelings

Pack 1: Adeiladu fy Ffitrwydd Meddyliol - Adnoddau i Bobl

Pack 2: Cadw Fy Meddwl yn Iach - Adnoddau i Bobl

Pack 3: Delio â Theimladau Anodd - Adnoddau i Bobl

Ideas & Resources
Please complete the form if you have any ideas or suggestions or if you would like resources sent to you.

Children & Young People
D-EXY is a digital wellbeing platform designed to support the mental health of young people when and where they need it.