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Parents Night at Castlehead

by Lenny Thakur & David Shaw

We were recently invited to be part of the “Senior Information Evening” in Castlehead High School in Renfrewshire.

We were very well prepared and were stocked up with lots of resources to share with the attending parents and carers an idea of what counselling could look like.

We also had a presentation to introduce the service, what we do, the resilience framework and informed about D-EXY and the referral process.

Lenny shared her thoughts on the evening:

"It was great for the Exchange to be part of it, to have our name on the list of organisations to visit for all to see. For us to be present."

We felt our set-up was very good- we were well prepared and had a very organic approach. It was a good opportunity for us to talk to the parents to get a feel for what is going on for them and what they are experiencing with their young people.

It was also a good opportunity to talk to the DHT about new projects which The Exchange is rolling out. (In particular The Exchange Families support project – For parents/carers on how to support their young person better- watch this space for further information).

It was also very nice to do this together as we often work alone. tending to work more on a one-to-one basis directly with a young person or in groups. I enjoyed preparing this in partnership and delivering it together.

David also felt the evening was a success..

 "I found it interesting and helpful to talk with the parents who attended our session. It was a good opportunity to talk about the work we do and how The Exchange supports young people. As this was a senior information session, I think future sessions could benefit from targeting in particular 1st and 2nd years."

We look forward to attending future events to build awareness in the community about the service we offer.

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